Silent Spring Revolution

Book Description New York Times bestselling author and acclaimed historian Douglas Brinkley chronicles the rise of environmental activism during the Long Sixties, telling a highly charged story of an indomitable generation that quite literally saved the natural world under the leadership of John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and Richard Nixon. With the detonation of an atomic…

American Moonshot

Book DescriptionBook Sleeve Content As the fiftieth anniversary of the first lunar landing approaches, the award winning historian and perennial New York Times bestselling author takes a fresh look at the space program, President John F. Kennedy’s inspiring challenge, and America’s race to the moon. “We choose to go to the Moon in this decade…

JFK: A Vision for America

Book Description Published in commemoration of the centennial of President John F. Kennedy’s birth, here is the definitive compendium of JFK’s most important and brilliant speeches, accompanied by commentary and reflections by leading American and international figures — including Senator Elizabeth Warren, David McCullough, Kofi Annan, and the Dalai Lama — and edited by JFK’s…

Rightful Heritage

Book DescriptionBook Sleeve Content Douglas Brinkley’s The Wilderness Warrior celebrated Theodore Roosevelt’s spirit of outdoor exploration and bold vision to protect 234 million acres of wild America. Now, in Rightful Heritage, Brinkley turns his attention to another indefatigable environmental leader — Teddy’s distant cousin Franklin Delano Roosevelt — chronicling his essential yet under-sung legacy as the founder of…

The Nixon Tapes: 1973

Book DescriptionBook Sleeve Content The blueprint for Nixon’s downfall, based on tapes released from 2010 to 2013, most of which have never been published When The Nixon Tapes: 1971–1972 was published in August of 2014, it jumped immediately onto the New York Times bestseller list and captivated media attention for its many revelations.  Douglas Brinkley…

The Nixon Tapes: 1971 – 1972

Book DescriptionBook Sleeve Content In August 2013, the final 340 hours of Richard Nixon’s infamous tapes were declassified by the National Archives — out of the 3,000 hours currently approved for release — after years of litigation and processing. Finally we can learn what Nixon said in his most crucial, private conversations—about China, Vietnam, the…

House of Earth

Book DescriptionBook Sleeve Content Finished in 1947 and lost to readers until now, House of Earth is legendary folk singer and American icon Woody Guthrie’s only finished novel. A powerful portrait of Dust Bowl America, it’s the story of an ordinary couple’s dreams of a better life and their search for love and meaning in…


Book DescriptionBook Sleeve Content Douglas Brinkley presents the definitive, revealing biography of an American legend: renowned news anchor Walter Cronkite. An acclaimed author and historian, Brinkley has drawn upon recently disclosed letters, diaries, and other artifacts at the recently opened Cronkite Archive to bring detail and depth to this deeply personal portrait. He also interviewed…

The Quiet World: Saving Alaska’s Wilderness Kingdom, 1879-1960

Book DescriptionBook Sleeve Content In this fascinating follow-up to his New York Times bestseller Wilderness Warrior, acclaimed historian Douglas Brinkley offers a riveting, expansive look at the past and present battle to preserve Alaska’s wilderness. Brinkley explores the colorful diversity of Alaska’s wildlife, arrays the forces that have wreaked havoc on its primeval arctic refuge…

The Wilderness Warrior: Theodore Roosevelt and the Crusade for America

Book DescriptionBook Sleeve Content From New York Times bestselling historian Douglas Brinkley comes a sweeping historical narrative and eye-opening look at the pioneering environmental policies of President Theodore Roosevelt, avid bird-watcher, naturalist, and the founding father of America’s conservation movement — now approaching its 100th anniversary. One of the Best Books of the Year The…

The World War II Desk Reference

Book DescriptionBook Sleeve Content Written under the direction of two distinguished historians, The World War II Desk Reference explains in clear prose, backed by rosters of statistics, timelines, and maps, the global cataclysm that was World War II. But this volume is not a typical almanac. With material ranging from battlefronts to important military commanders…