Douglas Brinkley interviewing President Jimmy Carter

Brinkley interviewing President Carter

Douglas Brinkley with son Johnny Brinkley and Jimmy Carter

Douglas Brinkley with son Johnny Brinkley and Jimmy Carter

Douglas Brinkley interviewing President Obama at the White House

President Barack Obama participates in a Rolling Stone Magazine interview with Doug Brinkley in the Oval Office, Oct 11, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
This photograph is provided by THE WHITE HOUSE as a courtesy and may be printed by the subject(s) in the photograph for personal use only. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not otherwise be reproduced, disseminated or broadcast, without the written permission of the White House Photo Office. This photograph may not be used in any commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.

Douglas Brinkley Brian Lamb DC 2019 CSPAN

Douglas Brinkley Brian Lamb DC 2019 CSPAN

Douglas Brinkley John Lewis Anne Cassady 2019

Douglas, Anne, Cassady Brinkley with John Lewis 2019


Doug Brinkley with Secretary Jewell

Douglas Brinkley with Allison Rockefeller

Douglas Brinkley at the White House with Barak Obama

Douglas Brinkley at the White House with Barak Obama

Douglas Brinkley and family with President Carter

Douglas Brinkley and family with President Carter

William Ruckelshaus Douglas Brinkley

William Ruckelshaus Douglas Brinkley

Douglas Brinkley and John Kerry

Douglas Brinkley and John Kerry

Secretary Kerry Doug Anne Brinkley

Secretary Kerry Doug Anne Brinkley

Doug Brinkley and Sean Penn 2005 Katrina Relief work

Doug Brinkley and Sean Penn 2005 Katrina Relief work

Hunter S. Thompson and Douglas Brinkley

Hunter S. Thompson and Douglas Brinkley

Ron Whitehead Douglas Brinkley Juan Thompson

Ron Whitehead Douglas Brinkley Juan Thompson

Douglas Brinkley and Walter Rosenblum at D-Day Premiere

Douglas Brinkley and Walter Rosenblum at D-Day Premiere

Douglas Brinkley and Toni Morrison

Douglas Brinkley and Toni Morrison

Doug Brinkley Getty Image Majic Bus

Doug Brinkley Getty Image Majic Bus

Doug Brinkley Ken Kesey Getty Images

Doug Brinkley Ken Kesey Getty Images

Douglas Brinkley and Kurt Vonnegut 1994

Douglas Brinkley Kurt Vonnegut 1994

Douglas Brinkley and Kurt Vonnegut 1994